2018 Mayo Business Awards Applications are now OPEN

2018 Mayo Business Awards Applications are now OPEN

The Mayo Business Awards are a cross community initiative supported by the Mayo Chambers and other local business organisations with the backing of the Local Enterprise Office Mayo and Mayo.ie. It is important that the Mayo Business Awards are seen as a truly countywide occasion as we aim to reach businesses in every corner of County Mayo in order to discover the very best in Mayo Business.

The objective of the Mayo Business Awards is to help businesses grow their networks, lift their profile and open the door to new opportunities and possibilities while also giving local businesses the opportunity to be recognised for their dedication, investment, accomplishments and hard work across several award categories.

How to Enter

Nominating a business for the 2018 Mayo Business Awards is free and there is no limit to the amount of categories you enter as long as you meet the criteria.

Select the category you wish to enter and fill out the application form.

The deadline for entries for this year’s Awards will be Friday September 7th.

Independent adjudicators will review each application and will narrow down potential winners in each category.

A shortlist of potential winners for each award will be released prior to the Awards ceremony with the winners being announced at a Gala Awards Night at The Broadhaven Hotel, Belmullet on November 9th 2018.


To nominate your business for an award you can apply online at http://www.mayobusinessawards.com/enter-the-awards/  

It’s FREE TO ENTER and there is no limit to the amount of categories you can put your business forward for.

There are thirteen categories this year which means more chances for your business to be recognised:

  • Most Innovative Product / Service Business Award
  • Green Business Award
  • Best Retail Premises Award
  • Best Customer Service Business Award
  • Best Tourism Business Award
  • Micro Enterprise Business Award
  • Best Hospitality Business Award – Under 10 Full Time Staff Equivalent
  • Best Hospitality Business Award – Over 10 Full Time Staff Equivalent
  • Manufacturing or Exporter Business Award
  • Best Technology Business Award
  • Best Professional Services Award
  • Food or Beverage Product Award
  • Best Business Start-Up (Less than 2years)

Ballina winners 2017


Various Winners & Finalists from Ballina and the surrounding area.
(L-R) Annemarie Flynn Mayo North Promotions Office, Brian Hopkins Ezewarm, Rachel NolanRachels Irish Adventure, Bernie Keogh The Ice House, Pierce Farrell The Ice House, Nuala Feeney Sherry Fitzgerald Feeney West, Mags Downey Martin Ballina Chamber of Commerce & Ballina Tourist Office, Patricia Mellody, Avril Niland Sherry Fitzgerald Feeney West.
The Mayo Business Awards 2017 at Breaffy House Resort, Castlebar, County Mayo. The event is a cross community initiative supported by the Mayo Chambers and other local business organisations with the backing of the Local Enterprise Office Mayo and Mayo.ie. Pic: Michael Mc Laughlin


Further information contact Ballina Chamber of Commerce, Pearse St, Ballina 096 72800 [email protected]


Category News