Irelands oldest River Swim returns this August
One of the oldest river swims in Ireland, the Moy Swim started in Ballina back in the 1950’s and was held for many years. The original swim started at the famous salmon weirs and swimmers would dive in there and swim to St.Muredachs Colege. Against all odds the River Moy Swim was held last year in between lockdowns in September 2020, attracting its biggest competitors to date and organisers are delighted to announce its return this August 2021.
Book your place for the River Moy Swim, part of Swim Ireland’s Summer Series Swim. Each participant will receive a swim hat, bag, and participation medal on the day.
Before you book:You must be able to swim the distance of the event that you have registered for and must select the correct entry ticket for your age group (Adults 18+ / Child Teen Under 18). Tow floats are essential, no tow float= no swim. Wetsuits are recommended but are not essential for this event, as the event will be timed and prizes will be awarded in both categories, please indicate on the registration form which category you will be in (Wetsuit OR Non -Wetsuit)
The Details; You will receive a reminder email a few days before the event, in this email will be a link to a Declaration form and our Covid Health Check-In.
All participants must complete this Covid Health Check within 24hrs of the swim. This will be verified by our event team on the day, if you do not complete this check you will not be permitted to swim.
Safety Precautions; In line with government restrictions, waves of max. 12 participants will be placed in the starting area at a time. Each participant will enter the water in a single fileIf a swimmer is in difficulty they should lie on their back and raise an arm to attract attention. Participants will exit the water and tap their timing chip to complete the event. Participants are asked to move through the finish area and adhere to Social Distancing Guidelines – no congregating at the finish area.
There are two swim distances this year, with details at this link bit/ly.openwater