Ballina Chamber March and April events cancelled.

Ballina Chamber March and April events cancelled.

Ballina Chamber of Commerce has postponed all March and April training courses, workshops and events that they provide for its 150 plus business membership, in response to the announcement by An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD.

Speaking this afternoon Gerry Luskin Presdient of Ballina Chamber said: “Employers will face severe business and cashflow pressures in the period ahead. A number of liquidity measures to assist affected businesses have been announced by the Government this week to which the Chamber now seek clarity with. Employers must do their part to actively support the Delay Phase of Covid-19. For our members, this means the implementation of remote working and flexible working, insofar as possible in order to limit and slow down the spread of the virus.

Annoucning today (Thursday 19th) that Chamber offices are now closed, having remained open to offer support to local businesses and local community groups, the provision of issuing of certificates of origin for export companies will continue online. However with notice given the office will facilitate those certs that require manual certification.

Mags Downey Martin, Manager of Chamber & Tourist Office states: “We will continue to provide business with the support and advice that they are looking for. Many of our members are extremely nervous, and we are fielding calls primarily in relation to remote working queries, HR issues and banking queries. There will be severe disruption to business over the next number of weeks and Government needs to be flexible in supporting the cash flow needs of businesses to avoid large scale job losses. We do welcome the structures that have been implemented to supoort our SME’s primarily, but ask for further measures in relation to business rates and targeted rates reductions as central Government needs to support Local Government in order to facilitate these measures.”

The Chamber will continue to field calls from businesses directly on 096 72800 and Mags Downey Martin is contactable daily on 085 1169766 | [email protected]

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