Ballina Chamber President ask folk to think Local before shopping.
Ballina Chamber of Commerce has made an appeal to local consumers to make an effort and ‘shop for Ballina’ in your local town and region where possible to ensure that local jobs are retained. While acknowledging the reduced financial circumstances of all our citizens and the necessity to cut back on spending this year, it is encouraged shoppers to ‘BUY IRISH’ where and when they can.
Gerry Luskin, President of Ballina Chamber of Commerce asks the community to think local when shopping this November;
“By supporting our local businesses this November, we support those that give back to our community, we keep people in jobs, and we keep our town centre alive, please shop local where possible”.
The Chamber kick starts a month long Shop Local Campaign, as we hope to highlight those brilliant Ballina businesses who continue to care about the towns survival.
Gerry also stated “These are the businesses who are creating local employment, paying their taxes in Ireland, money that is ploughed back into the economy here, paying for schools and hospitals and playgrounds and roads.
How do you want our town to look when all of this is over?
Do you want it to return to a thriving, vibrant place, a great place to dine out or enjoy live music, with festivals and great sporting teams?
Or do you want it to a ghost town, haunted by the memories of what it once was?”
According to Mark Fielding, one of Ireland’s leading authorities on the SME sector and former ISME Chief Executive, (Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association)
“Each time we spend a euro, we would do well to weigh the full value of our choices, not solely to ourselves immediately, but for the future we want for our children in our own towns and villages”.
Every €10 spent locally on Irish products generates €24 of benefit to the local community.
45 cents of every Euro spent is reinvested locally in comparison to only 15cents for the foreign multiples.
Ballina Shop Local Vouchers
Commenting on the announcement that there are now over 60 local shops and businesses redeeming Shop Local Gift Vouchers Garret Michael, Archers Topline and Head of Ballina Chamber Retailers is also calling on members of the public and the business community to get behind the Shop Local Vouchers this Christmas and give them as Christmas presents to family and staff.
“With over €100,000 sold to date since they launched in 2016, they have been a resounding success”. The Chamber started this initiative to help keep money, and protect local jobs within the local economy. And now more than ever the Ballina Shop Local Vouchers are exactly what’s needed during a period of extreme uncertainty for SME’s. By giving these vouchers you are giving the gift of choice as they can be spent in Restaurants, Hotels, Gift Stores, Gyms, Beautician, Clothes shops, and much more – you will be amazed with the selection of businesses now redeeming them. The vouchers don’t have a sell by date and the Chamber does not charge commission on the voucher, either for the consumer or the business. The vouchers come in a denomination of €10, €25 and €50’s.”
Tracey Glacken, Glacken Accountants and Chamber Treasurer is also asking local employers to get behind this voucher scheme and give the Shop Local Gift Vouchers as the Christmas Bonus this year. Employers can save 56% on staff rewards by giving employees a Shop Local Gift Voucher instead of cash.
Tracey advises that “Businesses can reward their staff with a €500 tax free payment. You are entitled to give one each and every year. Under the Small Benefits Exemption Scheme, company Directors and Employees can receive a non-cash bonus of up to €500 in value on a completely tax free basis each year and she would encourage all employers to buy this voucher for the town.
By buying the “Shop Local Gift Vouchers” not only can you save money by taking advantage of the Government Small Benefit Exemption Scheme but it is also a fully deductible business expense for your company. If you haven’t availed of the Small Benefit Exemption Scheme so far in 2020, we would encourage you do so before 31st December 2020 and use Shop Local Gift Vouchers for this.”
Tracey also stated that Directors of a limited company can avail of a €500 tax free payment as they are considered an employee of the business. Unfortunately this benefit does not apply to Sole traders/ Partnerships however it would apply to their employees.
Of most recent news, due to COVID-19 crisis Revenue, have made it easier to engage, recognise and reward staff during this period, under changes made by revenue, if you have staff working during the crisis remotely or at their place of work, you can give them multiple rewards up to the value of €500 in total while using the Small Benefit Exemption Scheme. This means that for this group of employees, the single gift rule does not apply for 2020, where the additional award is related to an employees exceptional efforts during the COVID-19 crisis. If you do not maximise the €500 at Christmas, this is a great opportunity to use the balance for deserving staff.
For further information on Ballina Shop Local Vouchers, or to participate in the scheme contact Ballina Chamber 096 72800 [email protected]