Western River Basin District IFI Ballina Angling report – w/e 10th July 2016
Salmon & Sea Trout Angling
River Moy
The Moy system accounted for a reported catch of 517 salmon for the week. This brought the season total, to date, to 3,368 which is up 217 on this time last year. Salmon were caught right throughout the system from Ballina to the East Mayo water.
The Ridge Pool saw the best week of the season so far with a total of 42 salmon being caught. Bill Cleary, Dublin, and Roy Wearing, UK, had 3 grilse each all on fly.
UK flyangler, Michael English, enjoyed a very successful week on the Mount Falcon water catching 9 grilse for the week, while Patrick Zolliker, Switzerland, had a five pounder on Gannon’s fishing bubble & fly.
Twelve year old Mark Nelson from Knockmore caught a 4.5 lbs. fresh-run salmon in “Padden’s Pool” on the Knockmore Angler’s stretch. Mark is a pupil at Lisaniska National School, Knockmore and tempted his first fish of the season with a bunch of worms.
There was also good fishing further upriver on the Foxford Salmon Anglers’ water, Cloongee and the East Mayo stretch. On Cloongee, Daniel Duguin, France, had 3 grilse, while his countryman, Gerard Groult, landed five for the week. Celia Fry, UK, caught a seven pounder on worm on East Mayo and Reg Bishop, also UK, had two fish at 5 lbs. and 6 lbs. also on the EMAA water.
Moy Estuary
Judd Ruane, skipper of the Pegasus, reported excellent sea trout fishing for his clients on the Moy Estuary despite difficult conditions. According to Judd this is the best season for many years with a lot of good quality sea trout present.
Successful anglers on Pegasus included Annie Taylor and Pete Doboux, both UK.
To book a day’s sea trout fishing visit www.fishingireland.ie or contact Judd on +353 (0)87 6736969.
Carrowmore Lake
Anglers on Carrowmore Lake enjoyed some of the best sea trout fishing in recent years. The past week saw very good numbers of sea trout moving into the system including some cracking fish in the 3 lbs. to 5 lbs. bracket.
Paul and Shane O’Reilly, Navan & Dublin, had two excellent days on the lake, boating in excess of 50 sea trout over two days. Paul also caught his first ever salmon which will make his trip to Carrowmore an unforgettable experience. Other successful anglers included Larry McAlinden and Pat Foley.
Most successful flies were Octopus, Claret Bumble, Clan Chief & Green Peter.
Please note that Carrowmore Lake is a Brown Tag Fishery this year! For fishing on Carrowmore Lake contact Seamus Henry on +353 (0)97 83487 or visit www.bangorerrisangling.com.
Ballisodare Fishery
Luke O’Connell
Anglers at Ballisodare enjoyed another good week’s sport with 167 salmon landed, 52 of which were released. While water conditions and weather conditions were good for the most part of the week the salmon were not easily fooled with successful anglers working hard for their fish! While most fish caught were in the 3 lbs. – 5 lbs. bracket a good number of fish around the 7 lbs. mark were spotted daily. Although the water was not high some colour remained, resulting in the worm and fly being most productive. Bright coloured flies seemed to do the trick in small sizes. The usual Cascades and Ally’s Shrimp patterns and Green Highlanders produced most fly caught fish.
Dermot Fadden started off the week well on Monday catching what turned out to be the best fish of the week, a fish of 11 lbs. on the worm at the Falls. Dermot also landed another fish of 4 lbs. on the worm. Larry Bergin had two nice fish on Friday July 8th weighing 9 lbs. and 6 lbs. both taken on the worm at the Falls. Andrew Pearson had the best fly-caught fish of the week, a fine bar of silver weighing just over 7 lbs. caught on Saturday at the Falls. Dermot Glennon landed a nice six pounder on the prawn on Sunday (one of the only fish caught on the prawn) although they didn’t show much interest in the prawn this week.
With good water levels remaining in the river there are plenty of fish on the move and prospects look good for the coming week.
For information and bookings please check www.ballisodarefishingclub.ie
Trout Fishing
Lough Arrow
The brown trout fishing has picked up again on lough Arrow with some nice fish being caught during the week mainly on wet flies.
Robert Cullen had 3 trout, heaviest at 2 lbs., while Maurice Cullen boated one at 2.5 lbs. Peter Dunne from Drumshanbo had 4 fish, best at 3 lbs. all on wet fly. Peter was also successful fishing the Green Peter into the evening catching two nice trout at 3.5 lbs. and 2 lbs. respectively.
Sea Angling
Declan Moran reports
Newport SAC hosted the Daniel Peacock Memorial/National Junior Competition on Sunday 3rd July which was fished in Clew Bay. Over 40 junior anglers, all between 8 and 18 years of age, took part in this year’s event.
The day began with a hot cup of tea for the parents and anglers before boarding the 5 boats and heading out to sea. The weather improved as the day went on and all boats recorded good catches of fish. The juniors were welcomed on the pier in the evening with a serving of freshly cooked sausages on the quay side and the prize presentation was held in Hotel Newport. As always, a great display of prizes was on offer, thanks to a combination of the Peacock Family’s generosity, the clubs hard working trophy officers and many generous sponsors. Newport SAC wishes to thank each and every one of the sponsors, the skippers, stewards, committee and anyone who generally helped to make the day special for the juniors in whatever way they could. Thanks also to all skippers who gave a reduced rate on the day for their boat hire, to the parents who helped out and the hotel and staff for providing the venue for the presentation.
The prizes were presented by David Nevin from the Westport branch of AIB, Niall O’Boyle and Mary Sugrue of Coastal Zone Services, Matthew Peacock and Richard Steer, representing the Peacock family. Every one of the juniors started and finished the day with smiles on their faces. Every junior caught fish and no one went home empty handed. All entrants received a Newport SAC beanie hat and a medal sponsored by Coastal Zone Services, as well as a goodie pack sponsored by Inland Fisheries Ireland, in recognition of their participation. For a full list of sponsors please visit the Newport SAC website www.newportseaanglingclub.com.
The results of the Daniel Peacock Memorial/National Junior Competition were as follows:
Overall Winner: Grace Moran with a total of 33 fish and 165 points.
8 years to 13 years winner: Matthew Moran (120 pts)
Joint runners up: Chloe McNally & Calum Kennedy
3rd place: Christopher McGee
4th place to 8th as follows: Niall McLoughlin, Ryan Chambers & Roisin Moran, Ronan Brennan, Isobel Sammon & Daithi Nevin (Novice)
14 years to 18 years winner: Killian Chambers (150 pts)
Runner up: Jessica Loftus
3rd place: David O’Donnell
4th place to 6th as follows: David Loftus, Damien Chambers, Rachel Moran