Xmas Fever in Ballina 2017
Frosty Salmon Festival Ballina is alive and well again this year. With a exciting line up in store
Frosty Salmon Festival Ballina 3rd Dec-23rd Dec 2017
Dec 3rd: Santa’s Arrival Party! Jackie Clarke Collection, 2–5pm.
Switching on of Christmas Lights: 4.30pm, followed by Santa Parade to Santa Grotto
Dec 9th: Mistletoe Market, The Military Quarter, 12-6pm
Celebrating all things local and bringing the best of local arts, crafts food and drink to the Mistletoe Market, under the cosy shelter of the market canopy. Also featuring Yeast Meets West Frosty Brew Festival from 2pm to 9pm in the Barracks Bar.
Dec 2nd, 9th & 16th : Polar Express Train Departs Ballina Train Station at 11.10am!
Dec 9th-10th & 16th-17th: Santa’s Grotto Military Quarter, 2-6pm (€5 per child)
Ballina Retailers have launched the 4th Annual Christmas Cracker Bonanza Draw. With €10,000’s worth of Vouchers from local businesses up for grabs, this is a fantastic way of rewarding your loyal customers. All you must do is donate €100 in €10 or €20 vouchers.
We mix and match the vouchers so a lucky winner has the chance of winning €100 worth of vouchers from a variety of local businesses. The winner returns to your business, spends their voucher and may add to the voucher. But the best thing is, as well as generating additional revenue from your voucher, your business may also get new customers!
We would appeal to all Businesses to drop their vouchers into the Tourist Office (Across from Jackie Clarke Collection). You can start rewarding your customers straight away with early entry into the Xmas Draw. Posters and Draw cards are now appearing around the town of Ballina.
And remember to encourage your customers to fill in the Draw cards.
First Draw Friday 8th December – Get your first batch Draw cards to us by Wednesday 6th Dec
Second Draw Friday- 15th December and Third Draw Wednesday- 20th December 2017
Chamber Shopping Vouchers Ballina Chamber of Commerce is continuing with the sales of its Shop Local Vouchers. Encouraging a Shop Local message this Christmas, this is an ideal way for people who want to keep business local but also have choice and variety of product within the voucher system.
While these Vouchers are available all year round, they are particularly popular at Christmas.
Ballina Chamber Shopping Vouchers are an ideal gift for Christmas, Weddings, Birthdays, Communions, Confirmations, occasions & staff bonuses! Vouchers are available in denominations of €10, €25 and €50 and available in the Chamber Office, 096 72800. Full list of participating Retailers at www.ballina.ie
Shop Front Window Competition 2017
Sponsored this year by Ballina Chamber Commerce retailers, with a prize fund of €500 Cash for the most creative and imaginative Christmas window displays, the most original displays will be rewarded for their inventiveness. If your Christmas display can improve the look of your street, and encourages visitors to the town to want to go inside and look for a gift, you’re a winner!
*See www.ballina.ie for all things Christmas in Ballina, www.mayonorth.ie for a full roundup of Festivals, Craft Fairs and markets in the Mayo North district. Like ‘Frosty Salmon Festival’ on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/FrostySalmonFestBallina/
Dec 1st – 31st
FREE Parking in Ballina Town Council Car Parks every day from 2pm.
Calendar of Events in Ballina 2018:
29th Nov Ballina Chamber Choir Concert Ballina Arts Centre 8pm
1st Dec Moy Singers Christmas Concert, Hotel Ballina @ 7.30pm
2nd Dec Santa Dash Belleek Woods 12 pm Proceeds to Simon Community
3rd Dec Santa Arrival Party, Jackie Clarke Collection from2-5pm
5th Dec Monster Bingo in Ballina Community Sports Centre 8 30
7th Dec Table Quiz in aid Ballina Salmon Festival the Loft Bar 9pm
7th December Trisha Slowey Art Exib Ballina Library
8th and 9th December Oliver with a Twist Ballina Arts Centre 8pm
9th Dec Mistletoe Market 12 pm -6pm in Ballina Military Quarter, featuring the Yeast Meets West Frosty Brew Fest
10th December Every Voice Choir Christmas Concert Great National Hotel 8pm
10th Dec Carols by Candlelight, Calvery Church Family Resource Centre
14th -15th – 16th December Lonesome West by December Ballina Dramatic Society Arts Centre 8pm
3rd 9th 10th 16th 17th December Santa’s Grotto Military Quarter 2pm to 6pm
Dec 15th -16th -17th Christmas Experience Belleek Castle Courtyard Ballina 4 -7.30pm
17th Dec Santa Run For Fun Belleek Woods Ballina 11am – Adults €10 Under 16 €5 Family € 20
20th Dec Tommy Fleming concert of thanks and remembrance 8pm St Muredachs Cathedral
21st Dec Centre Stage Vocal Academy Ballina Arts Centre 8pm
Further details at Facebook Frosty Salmon Festival Ballina
Contact Ballina Tourist Office 096 72800